***For police-related issues that are in progress, please call 911. Filling out this form does NOT generate an immediate police response. ***
The Penn Hills Police Department encourages residents and visitors of the municipality to report suspicious activity to us. If you believe you’ve witnessed something that may involve criminal activity, we’d like to hear about it. You aren’t required to leave your name or contact information if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. Please explain the activity in as much detail as possible, as it aids our officers when investigating your reports.
This page is not intended for users to report serious criminal activity or emergencies that are actively occurring. If you witness a serious crime in progress, or some other emergency, please call 911 to report it. Remember, “If You See Something, Say Something™.” Failing to report suspicious activity often leads criminals to believe that they can operate freely in our neighborhoods. With your partnership, let’s work together to deter crime in Penn Hills.
We would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this form, and for your efforts to help reduce crime in our community. The Penn Hills Police Department will make every attempt to properly investigate your reports of suspicious or criminal activity submitted online.